Why should you publish a blog?
Blogs are a great, easy way to publish information in a timely manner. As a result, their popularity has skyrocketed.
However, to make blogs a really useful tool, you have to get people to come back and read regularly.
It’s just as true for your blog as it is your website that someone may take a look at what you’ve published and say to themselves, “This is interesting,” only to disappear, never to visit again.
Prevent this from happening to your blog by letting people know when you’ve published something new.

Keep Your Blog Readers Coming Back
RSS is offered by many blogging services as a way to syndicate information, but currently RSS is still a little too advanced for most web users.

We offer our RSS Feed Broadcaster to help our customers to syndicate their blog articles to nearly anyone interested. This feature converts your articles from a standard RSS feed into an e-mail template to send to your subscribers as your blog is updated.
All your subscribers need is an e-mail address. You just need to add a standard AWeber sign up form to your blog and set up your feed broadcaster.
How to set up this feature:
First, you can review the video tutorial we offer...

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